Posted on 1/24/2013

Drive Clean Modernization Drive Clean plays an important role in safeguarding Ontario's air quality by identifying excessively polluting cars and trucks with emissions problems and requiring them to be repaired. While today's vehicles are cleaner through advances in emissions technology, all vehicles require regular maintenance to keep them operating properly. Learn more>> Over the past decade, Drive Clean has tightened emissions standards and focused the program on the vehicles that are most likely to pollute. On January 1, 2013, Ontario introduced changes to the emissions test to make the Drive Clean program even better. The new test takes advantage of the computerized monitoring equipment in today's technologically advanced vehicles The modernized Drive Clean program will provide significant benefits by: Providing a faster, more accurate ... read more
Posted on 1/24/2013
What happens when your kids grow out of the backseat and into the driver's seat? Who's looking after their vehicles? Results from consumer research recently conducted clearly shows today's youth are neglecting their vehicles. This poses a safety threat to themselves, as well as others on the road. We are facing a generation gap when it comes to vehicle maintenance. Today's driving youth (18 to 24 years) don't know what their cars need and are not taking care of their vehicles. Youth are less likely to change their oil every 5,000 km than more experienced drivers. Many young people (22%) had no idea when to change it at all or wait until the oil light comes on. Only 45% of youth bring their vehicle in for maintenance at least once a year versus 76% of people over 50. 22% never bring it in or only when it breaks down and 34% wait for a warning light or a strange noise. 10% of young drivers reported that they never put air in their tires and an additi ... read more
Posted on 1/7/2013
Marks Auto Service Privacy Policy The use of the Web site (the "Web Site") is subject to the terms and conditions stated herein. Use of the Web Site constitutes an agreement by you, the user, that your use is governed by these terms and conditions. In addition, when using particular Marks Auto Service services, you will be subject to any guidelines or rules applicable to such services which may be posted from time to time. Ownership of Copyrights/Usage Restrictions The works of authorship contained in this Web Site, including but not limited to all design, text and images, are owned, except as otherwise expressly stated, by Marks Auto Service. The entire contents of this Web Site are protected by United States’ and worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. In accordance with these terms, except as stated above, you and other Web Site users may not: Copy, reproduce, modify, use, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way material from the Web Site. Copy, modify or ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2013

Our January Charity of the Month is TOYS FOR TOTS. Toys for Tots' mission is to 'bring the joy of Christmas to needy children'. Mark's Auto Service will donate $5.00 to Toys for Tots for every online appointment scheduled this month. Schedule your Online Appointment Here. When booking an appointment online, please select the charity you want to donate to from the Charity Drop-Down Box. Thank you for helping us support Toys for Tots! Learn more about Toys for Totshere.